‘Live Action Victory’ Launches to Protect Preborn Children in 2024 State Elections

Today, Live Action Victory launches, a 501c4 dedicated to advocating in elections to protect preborn children from deadly abortions. This new sister organization of Live Action will engage voters and influence key elections in 2024 and beyond, working to ensure that the dignity and rights of the preborn are upheld and protected.

Live Action Victory exists to fight for the most vulnerable—preborn children—by achieving political victories through telling the truth about abortion and exposing the agenda of the radical pro-abortion lobby. We will show the beauty of human life and the horrific reality of abortion to inspire voters to protect life. 

This year, Live Action Victory is focused on defeating Amendment 4 in Florida and Amendment 3 in Missouri, both of which would legalize and expand the human rights abuse of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Both amendments would permit the killing of preborn children at every stage of pregnancy without restriction, allowing for abortion on demand. The most brutal abortion procedures could be used, including those that starve the child to death and those involving the dismemberment of a living child using vacuum suction or forceps.

Live Action Victory is already on the air, running a hard-hitting, data-driven digital ad campaign that exposes that these amendments will bring abortion on demand to babies through all nine months of pregnancy or what would come to these states if the amendments pass. Watch the ads here.

Live Action Victory will be a game changer for human rights in politics.

Abortionists and their collaborators are pouring tens of millions of dollars into propaganda to try to mislead voters and conceal the fact that these amendments would legalize abortions on babies through all nine months of pregnancy. Our job at Live Action Victory is to win by empowering voters with the truth about what these amendments would do: Amendment 3 in Missouri and Amendment 4 in Florida would legalize the killing of preborn children at any gestational age without limits. According to all polling, the people of Florida and Missouri do not want abortion on demand without restriction to become the law of the land. The only way these amendments succeed is through intentional deception by extremist abortion advocates who are flooding Florida and Missouri media markets with unprecedented amounts of cash to promote their unpopular agenda.

Live Action Victory will expose the mass misinformation campaign of our opposition and engage in the media battle to show the devastating reality of what Amendment 3 and Amendment 4 will do.

Lives are on the line in Florida and Missouri like never before in state history. We implore every voter in Florida and Missouri to join the movement to expose the abortion extremism of these amendments and rally their fellow citizens in voting NO.

Live Action Victory is fearlessly making the case to defeat these horrific and radical amendments. We are reaching key demographics through expert targeting, changing minds and ensuring voters know that these amendments would legalize abortion on demand for babies through all nine months of pregnancy without limit. We are live in both Florida and Missouri with a six-figure ad buy to show voters what these extreme amendments would permit, straight from the mouth of a former abortionist. We have done extensive testing on our message and know that when voters are given information on what an abortion is and how it brutally kills a child, they reject it. We also know that the large majority of Florida and Missouri voters oppose abortion without restriction, yet unrestricted abortion on demand is exactly what these amendments would enshrine. We are focused on reaching as many voters as possible with our message to defeat the child murder agenda.

For more information about Live Action Victory and its ongoing efforts, visit LiveActionVictory.org